March 21, 2010

Purse - March 21, 2010

My good friend, Stephanie, sent me a Martha Stewart scoring board as a cheer-me-up gift!  Well, the cheer-me-up gift really worked because I had been wanting a scoring board so I could make many projects.  The first project that I just had to make is this adorable purse.  It is a great size to hold a candy or some sort of treat.  Thanks Stephanie for the scoring pad..... look for many more projects to come.


Stephanie Niavez said...

I love it!!!! You gotta tell me where to find the directions.

dannyscotland said...

Steph's the best, isn't she? What a great pick me up gift, and I'm glad it's helped!

Wendy Bonner said...

Love it Ginger!!